All posts by slaschatz

2015 Project Gifts for Elk County Distribution Day


This past Saturday Project Gifts for Elk County held its annual county wide gift distribution. Pictured here left to right is Officer DJ Marconi, Bob Roberts-President of Project Gifts, Roger Martini, Terri Martini, Brianna Marconi, Lois D’Amore, Theresa Geitner, Vern Kreckel III-Secretary of Project Gifts, Richard Eddy, Tropper Bruce Morris with Santa and Mrs. Claus.



Project Gifts Distribution held in Johnsonburg
Pictured here with Santa and Mrs. Claus are members of Projcet Gifts for Elk County and volunteers at the Johnsonburg Municipal Building at the gift distribution held this past Saturday.







A great day for everyone! Special thanks to everyone who helped to make this year a success!