On Sunday afternoon the ladies from the Elk County Volunteer Alliance helped to wrap toys at Project Gifts for Elk County.
All posts by slaschatz
Cavalier Boys Basketball Team Helps at Project Gifts
Project Gifts receives grant
Cops for Kids – St. Marys Police Dept. Waiving Traffic Tickets for Donation to PGEC!
See the St. Marys Library Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/stmaryspapubliclibrary/photos/a.148856428655153.1073741831.140581956149267/697645190442938/?type=3&theater.
Thanksgiving Eve Helpers
Project Gifts Receives Donation From Piedmont Club
Toys from Wally Samul
Recently Project Gifts for Elk County received a load of Toys from Wally Samul who is a longtime supporter of the organization. Mr. Samul who is a friend of St. Marys native Fr. Chrysostom Schlimm OSB, has donated Toys for many years. Pictured is Fr. Chrysostom Schlimm OSB, and Fr. Earl Henry OSB. who were kind enough to bring the toys to our facility last weekend for Mr. Samul.
Project Gifts wishes to Thank Wally Samul, Fr. Chrysostom, and Fr. Earl for their efforts!
Troia Social Club donates to Project Gifts for Elk County
First Group of Helpers at Project Gifts for Elk County
Project Gifts for Elk County Receives Toys
Toy Collection season is in full swing, this past Sunday Nov. 12, Project Gifts were presented with a room packed full of toys collected by the American Legion Post 511, coordinator Mr. Jim Steinbiser and his helpers, including Cathy his wife and Lana Vendur. Their efforts this year have surpassed all previous years challenges their purchases this year exceeded $15,000 worth of toys The organizations and businesses participating include : American Legion Auxiliary 511, St. Marys Legion Post 103, Dinsmore Welding & Fabrication, Fox Twp. Volunteer Fire Department, Horton Brockway Lioness Club, Fox Twp. Lioness Club, Rebco Inc., First Chance Inn, , Horton Brockway Lions Club, Wilcox American Legion Post 467, Sinter-Fire Inc., Fox Twp. Fireman’s Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion 511, Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 720, Kersey Council 6252 Knights of Columbus, Elco Sintered Alloys, American legion Post 511, MJ’s Mini Mart, Protective Fraternal League (PFL), St. Marys Eagles Club, Butter Churn, American legion Post 978, Horton Sportsmen, Boot Jack Auto Sales, Fox Twp. Lions, James Doran, Last Chance Inn, Ridgway VFW, Sally Caskey, Suzanne Huey, Stoltz Ford, Wal-Mart and two Anonymous.
This collection along with the 34 other scheduled collections through the County will enable Project Gifts to complete our mission of helping less fortunate Children at Christmas and other times of need.
Please help us sign every eligible Child in Elk County, deadline to sign is Monday November 20, for the giveaway on Saturday December 16.
We the Board of Directors are most grateful of this generous donation.